首頁 > 設計規范
        1. GB/T 50997-2014 冷軋電工鋼工程設計規范 Code for engineering of cold-rolled electrical steel strip plant...2023-09-21
        2. GB 50014-2006 室外排水設計規范(附條文說明) Code for design of outdoor wastewater engineering2023-09-20
        3. DB32/T 4512-2023 公路波形梁高強鋼護欄設計規范2023-09-18
        4. GB 51127-2015 印刷電路板工廠設計規范 Code for design of printed circuit board plant2023-09-17
        5. DB33/T 2283-2020 公路鋼板混凝土組合梁橋設計規范 Specification for design of highway steel plate-concrete com...2023-09-13
        6. T/CASME 665-2023 鄉村居住建筑節能設計規范2023-09-11
        7. T/CASME 662-2023 民用建筑智能化安全技術防范系統工程設計規范2023-09-11
        8. HG/T 20509-2014 儀表供電設計規范 Design code for instrument power supply system2023-09-06
        9. DB15/T 3098-2023 火力發電廠數字化驗室設計規范2023-09-03
        10. GB 50965-2014 冶金燒結球團煙氣氨法脫硫設計規范 Code for design of sinter and pellet flue gas ammonia desulfu...2023-08-28
        11. GB 50984-2014 石油化工工廠布置設計規范 Code for design of petrochemical plant layout2023-08-27
        12. GB 50360-2016 水煤漿工程設計規范 Code for design of coal water mixture engineering2023-08-27
        13. HG/T 20534-2021 化工固體原、燃料制備設計規范 Code for design of preparation of chemical solid raw and fuel...2023-08-27
        14. GB 51194-2016 通信電源設備安裝工程設計規范 Code for design of engineering for telecommunication power supply...2023-08-25
        15. GB/T 50789-2012 ±800kV直流換流站設計規范Codefordesignof士800kVDCconverterstation Code for design of &...2023-08-25
        16. GB 50340-2016 老年人居住建筑設計規范 Code for design of residential building for the aged2023-08-25
        17. GB 50193-1993 二氧化碳滅火系統設計規范 Code of design for carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems...2023-08-20
        18. GB 37489.1-2019 公共場所衛生設計規范 第1部分:總則 Hygienic design specification for public places--Part 1:Ge...2023-08-20
        19. GB 50013-2006 室外給水設計規范(附條文說明) Code for design of outdoor water supply engineering2023-08-19
        20. GB 50709-2011 鋼鐵企業管道支架設計規范 Code for design of pipe supports in iron and steel enterprises...2023-08-19
        21. GB/T 51068-2014 煤炭工業露天礦機電設備修理設施設計規范 Code for open pit mine mechanical and electrical equi...2023-08-09
        22. GB 50190-1993 多層廠房樓蓋抗微振設計規范 Code for design of anti-microvibration of multistory factory floor...2023-08-07
        23. GB 50029-2014 壓縮空氣站設計規范 Code for design of compressed air station2023-08-07
        24. GB 50782-2012 有色金屬選礦廠工藝設計規范 Code for technological design of non-ferrous concentrator...2023-08-06
        25. GB 50707-2011 河道整治設計規范 Code for design of river regulation2023-08-05
        26. 亚洲中文字幕一区二区_国产成人夜色高潮福利在线_国语自产少妇精品视频_本道久久综合无码中文字幕